Wednesday, September 9, 2009

We Love to Read!

I love reading! I also love to read aloud. This year at Chapel Glen we were given the challenge to create a list of books that we read together as a class. Rather than creating a list, I decide to create a book-cover-mural in our hallway.

This is just a start. Since I took this picture a few days ago we have added even more. Like I said, we love to read in room 36! I like having the book covers displayed because it helps the kids remember what each book was and what it was about. Ask your child which books they have enjoyed so far!

That also brings me to some good news! There is this wonderful site called Donors Choose . This site is for teachers to join and for everyone to donate. Teachers set up projects that they would like to create but just don't have the funding. People from all over the world then visit this site and donate money to projects they are interested in seeing come true. I joined the site last year in hopes that I wold receive funding from generous people around the world for projects I wanted to do in our classroom. Well, my wish came true last year because my project for 25 books on tape was funded! This year I decided to try again. I wrote a project to receve about 50 books, from Chysanthemum to Tar Beach to Magic School Bus. My project was funded in only 2 weeks! Today I recieved all 50 books! I am so excited to share these books this year! Look for the book covers to join "Mrs. Reed's Reads" very soon!

We Love to Read!

I love reading! I also love to read aloud. This year at Chapel Glen we were given the challenge to create a list of books that we read together as a class. Rather than creating a list, I decide to create a book-cover-mural in our hallway.

This is just a start. Since I took this picture a few days ago we have added even more. Like I said, we love to read in room 36! I like having the book covers displayed because it helps the kids remember what each book was and what it was about. Ask your child which books they have enjoyed so far!

That also brings me to some good news! There is this wonderful site called Donors Choose . This site is for teachers to join and for everyone to donate. Teachers set up projects that they would like to create but just don't have the funding. People from all over the world then visit this site and donate money to projects they are interested in seeing come true. I joined the site last year in hopes that I wold receive funding from generous people around the world for projects I wanted to do in our classroom. Well, my wish came true last year because my project for 25 books on tape was funded! This year I decided to try again. I wrote a project to receve about 50 books, from Chysanthemum to Tar Beach to Magic School Bus. My project was funded in only 2 weeks! Today I recieved all 50 books! I am so excited to share these books this year! Look for the book covers to join "Mrs. Reed's Reads" very soon!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

August is in the books!

Well we have finished the first three and a half weeks! It's been a busy but exciting start to our new school year. The first week of school we did a lot of different actvities to get to know each better. As many of you know, most of us were together last year. Well we have 12 classmates that are new to room 36. So of course we want to get to know them just as much as they want toget to know everyone else. One activity we did was comparing our names. We read the book Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes. The students then wrote their names on graph paper, cut them out and glued them on chart paper, according to how many letters they had.

In our classroom, we also have a class positive behavior chart. We all go Bananas for Good Behavior. Once we fill our chart with stars we will earn a Banana Split Party! The kids can earn stars by getting a compliment from another teacher or an extra special report frmo the Specials teachers. So far we have 5 stars! Great job!

Chapel Glen also started a school wide positive beahvior program called Glen Gold. All the kids have the chance to earn Glen Gold tickets by showing positive behavior. Here are two of Xzavia's Gold tickets. Way to go!

August is in the books!

Well we have finished the first three and a half weeks! It's been a busy but exciting start to our new school year. The first week of school we did a lot of different actvities to get to know each better. As many of you know, most of us were together last year. Well we have 12 classmates that are new to room 36. So of course we want to get to know them just as much as they want toget to know everyone else. One activity we did was comparing our names. We read the book Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes. The students then wrote their names on graph paper, cut them out and glued them on chart paper, according to how many letters they had.

In our classroom, we also have a class positive behavior chart. We all go Bananas for Good Behavior. Once we fill our chart with stars we will earn a Banana Split Party! The kids can earn stars by getting a compliment from another teacher or an extra special report frmo the Specials teachers. So far we have 5 stars! Great job!

Chapel Glen also started a school wide positive beahvior program called Glen Gold. All the kids have the chance to earn Glen Gold tickets by showing positive behavior. Here are two of Xzavia's Gold tickets. Way to go!