Tonight was our first go at an evening family event and it was a success! We had our first Family Math Night. We had several math games for the family to play, popcorn to eat, and Gold Tickets to pass out! Mrs. Elmore took several pictures that I hope I can get uploaded to the website. We are already planning on having another family night sometime in the future!

Second grade is going on a field trip this Thursday to Eagle Creek Park. We will be visiting the Nature Center and going on a Nature Walk. We will then have a picnic lunch at an outdoor shelter where the kids will go on a nature scavenger hunt!
The past few weeks we have been learning a lot about plants! So far we have painted portraits of flowers and labeled the parts, made leaf animals, and planted carrots, cucumbers, sunflowers, and sweet peas in miniature greenhouses! We can't wait to see how they grow!