Wednesday was the first day of school for the 2010-2011 year! It was great getting to finally meet all of the new students. There are 24 kids in our class this year and so far we have had a great time getting to know one another!
Our first day, we organized tons of supplies! We split our supplies into our art boxes for the classroom and art bags for art class. All of the pencils were put into a bucket and if I started sharpening now, I'd probably be busy until September! We read two books about starting first grade and they both class pets like us!

Lunch was crazy! Once all 6 classes found their tables, the kids had a good time getting to see each other. The behavior by all the classes was excellent! Recess had to be held inside because of the heat warning. We can't take any chances that someone might get sick! We had library for specials and the kids all learned how to check out their own books. At the end of the day we wrote a letter together telling all about our first day!

Today was busy as well! After some handwriting practice for morning work, we all watched a video about first grade procedures. The video can be found on our Facebook page under the Videos tab. All the kids got to see how to do different procedures like lining up and getting lunch cards correctly. Then we read a great book called Elmer. All the kids got to color their own Elmer Elephants. They look great! Lunch went pretty smoothly today and again the kids were all on their best behavior. Mrs. Deaton's class won the 1st behavior bear, Mr. Manners. However, I think we might win soon! We had to have indoor recess again but the kids had a great time playing Legos, Lincoln Logs, trolls, puppets, dinosaurs, and drawing. We did Calendar for the first time and we have a good goal to learn our months and days of the week so we can tell the date. Gym was for specials and they had fun!

Tomorrow is the last day of the first week and I bet the kids will be completely wore out for the weekend! I overheard a kid saying that they didn't know 1st grade would be so fun. I can't wait for him (and everyone else) to see what all we're going to do and learn the rest of the year!

Our first day, we organized tons of supplies! We split our supplies into our art boxes for the classroom and art bags for art class. All of the pencils were put into a bucket and if I started sharpening now, I'd probably be busy until September! We read two books about starting first grade and they both class pets like us!
Lunch was crazy! Once all 6 classes found their tables, the kids had a good time getting to see each other. The behavior by all the classes was excellent! Recess had to be held inside because of the heat warning. We can't take any chances that someone might get sick! We had library for specials and the kids all learned how to check out their own books. At the end of the day we wrote a letter together telling all about our first day!
Today was busy as well! After some handwriting practice for morning work, we all watched a video about first grade procedures. The video can be found on our Facebook page under the Videos tab. All the kids got to see how to do different procedures like lining up and getting lunch cards correctly. Then we read a great book called Elmer. All the kids got to color their own Elmer Elephants. They look great! Lunch went pretty smoothly today and again the kids were all on their best behavior. Mrs. Deaton's class won the 1st behavior bear, Mr. Manners. However, I think we might win soon! We had to have indoor recess again but the kids had a great time playing Legos, Lincoln Logs, trolls, puppets, dinosaurs, and drawing. We did Calendar for the first time and we have a good goal to learn our months and days of the week so we can tell the date. Gym was for specials and they had fun!
Tomorrow is the last day of the first week and I bet the kids will be completely wore out for the weekend! I overheard a kid saying that they didn't know 1st grade would be so fun. I can't wait for him (and everyone else) to see what all we're going to do and learn the rest of the year!
OMG, they look so little! It's amazing how much they grow up between the beginning of first grade and the end of 2nd -- your 2nd graders in the spring looked so grown up. Looks like a great group of students, and they're off to a good start. Mrs. Reed's Mom!