Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Focused Success

Last week we started Focused Success, which is a 35 minute block where all the kids in first grade are put into similar groups according to reading level. All 6 first grade teachers and interventionists have animal nicknames:

  1. Mrs. Reed's Raccoons

  2. Mrs. Deaton's Deer

  3. Mrs. Elmore's Eagles

  4. Mrs. Wyatt's Wallabies

  5. Mrs. Foster's Foxes

  6. Mrs. Shaffner's Sharks

  7. Mrs. C's Chimpanzees

  8. Mrs. Lawrence's Lions

The first day of our groups, we learned a little bit about our animals. My group made a great list of facts they already knew about raccooons. We then read some information from Enchanted Learning and looked at pictures of different raccoons. We then made masks so we could look like real raccoons!

So far all the children in first grade are doing a great job switching for groups and are working very hard on their reading skills. We continuously monitor students and move them in or out of groups so that we are best meeting their needs.

1 comment:

  1. hey mrs. reed- how can I see the plays that Mrs.fosters readers are doing?


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