Thursday, September 13, 2012

Patriot Day

This past Tuesday was Patriot Day, in rememberance of September 11th. As a class we read the book, The Man who Walked Between Two Towers. This is a really good book because it gives children some background knowledge about the Twin Towers and NYC. This is really important because as you know, your child was born after this terrible tragedy. We discussed in very simple terms why we remember this day and the servicemen and women that we give our respect to. We also made an American flag to wear during silent dismissal.


One sweet spot for Patriot Day was during recess when we got to the playground to find this little cutie:

This little kitten wanted to play with the first graders so badly! He ran towards the playground several times before I finally decided to catch him and take him to Mr. Coapstick. In case you don't know, I have two cats myself and love kittens! So I just couldn't leave it out in the wild! We kept it in our classroom (in a contained crate) until the end of the day. Mrs. States took him home and is currently looking for a home for him. Our class named him Boo because he is black and reminded them of Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Mrs. Reed
    I'm Logan's grandma in Traverse City, MI. I really enjoy seeing your postings of the class and their work. It is wonderful to see all the children and their various projects. I look forward to visiting Logan next month while he's on school break.
    Thank you
    Melissa Donnelly


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